Sunday, January 1, 2017

New Years Resolutions

We all make New Year's resolutions. We try to improve upon the person we were last year. "New year new me." I always aim to be healthier, more organized and in a better place financially. Some years I succeed and some years not so much. To start off my healthy resolution, I made a shrimp and veggie stir fry over quinoa for dinner tonight. It was light and surprisingly, very good. Hope you like it and good luck on your resolutions!

 1 lb of shrimp, peeled
1 diced onion
1 diced red bell pepper
1 diced green bell pepper
1 zucchini, cut into matchstick size pieces
2 minced garlic cloves
1 cup quinoa

Make quinoa according to directions on box. (1 cup quinoa with 2 cups of water. Turn on high. Bring to boil. Simmer, covered for 15 min)

In a large pan, drizzle some EVOO. Turn to medium high heat. Add veggies and garlic, season with salt and pepper. Cook about 8 min, stirring regularly. Add shrimp cover for 4 min. Stir and make sure all parts of the shrimp are cooked.
Serve over quinoa!